4.2 Recovered materials. The offeror/contractor is encouraged to use recovered materials in accordance with Public Law 94-580 to the maximum practical extent. Recycled or reclaimed materials maybe used in the construction of the equipment described herein. Recycled and reclaimed materials shall consist of previously used material which has been reprocessed to become a source of new raw materials. Under no conditions or circumstances shall the contractor submit to the Government for acceptance reconditioned or rebuilt components as a part of the equipment described herein.
5.1 Product conformance. The product offered shall meet the salient characteristics of this Commercial Item Description, and conform to the producer’s own drawings, specifications, standards, and quality assurance practices and be the same as the product offered for sale in the commercial marketplace. When specific quality assurance provisions are specified for any commercial characteristic the contractor shall maintain records resulting from his inspection(s) conducted in accordance with the specific quality assurance provisions. The government reserves the right to require proof of such conformance prior to first deliver] and thereafter as may be otherwise provided under the provisions of the contract. The government reserves the right to audit the contractor’s quality assurance records.
5.2 Market Acceptability. No item of equipment offered under this CID shall be acceptable unless the manufacturer has marketed equipment of the same size and type in a commercial environment for a minimum period of one year. Equipment installed for test purposes in a manufacturer’s plant or test laboratory shall not be considered as complying with this requirement.
5.3 Place and date of manufacture. Each fan shall bear an alpha-numeric code to indicate the manufacturer’s plant where produced and the date that production occurred. This encoded information shall be permanently stamped or affixed to the fan,
5.4 Warranty. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the manufacturer’s standard commercial warranty terms shall apply. The warranty shall become effective from the date of startup of the equipment after installation is complete.
6.1 Packaging. Requirements for preservation, packing, packaging, and marking of packages shall be as specified in the contract or order.
7.1 Commercial item certification. When this CID is used for procurement, the commercial item certification clause must appear in the solicitation.
7.2 Ordering Data. The following information is required when ordering items covered in this CID.
a. Title, number, and date of this document,
b. Blade diameter (see 2. 1),
c. Packaging required (see 6.1),
d. National Stock Number (see 7.3).
7.3 National Stock Numbers (NSNS). Table 2 is a list of NSNs assigned which correspond to this CID. The list may not be indicative of all possible KSNS associated with the CID.
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